House Divided Part 1

House Divided Part 1

Travis opens up about growing up in a broken home.

Show notes

This week, Travis gives us a glimpse into the mind of a kid growing up in a broken home while Ben shares some insight from working with families going through divorce. Divorce is an all-to-common issue in today's homes and it seems the minds and spirits of the innocent children are often the worst casualty. Join the crew as they contemplate ways to help all those who have to experience a house divided.

Will rejoins the show this week! They start off discussing how awesome CYC weekend was and Will's youth event at Highland Park. Then Ben and Will take turns asking Travis questions about growing up in a home that experienced divorce. Travis talks about the importance of understanding the difference between perception and reality. Travis encourages parents to continue the discussion with their kids but also adjusting the information to their age level. Ben emphasizes protecting the image of the other parent the best you can. Will brings up the discussion of when an outsider should attempt to talk to the child. Travis emphasizes the importance being genuine and loyal are to children especially when experiencing divorce.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Serenity Counselors Becky - 256.263.6367 Amy - 256.263.6367 Monica - 256.340.0300 Cayron- 256.320.4200

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Ben Hayes

Ben Hayes

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Travis Creasy

Travis Creasy

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Will Myhan

Will Myhan

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